
Religion A True StoryBy Steve Gillman  On the shoulder of Keystone Road A woman was laying in the dirt Calling out for help While ninety-three christians Fourteen muslims And five jews Drove by On a sunny afternoon  Check out the selection of poetry created using Deal-A-Poem too, and feel free to send us any poems … Read more

Mechanical Poetry 3

Part ThreeIf you’ve ever read the lyrics of a Simon and Garfunkle song, you read great poetry. If you want to write poems like that, start copying them. Let me explain. The Myth of CreativityCreativity is in many ways a myth. It’s not that it doesn’t exist, but that people’s ideas about the creative process … Read more

Mechanical Poetry 2

Part TwoWhat do you do when you want to start writing poetry? Hopefully your answer is “I start writing.” Even writing a terrible poem is better than waiting for the “right words.” You can always throw your poems away, right? The important thing is that the process has begun. You’ll find the right words sooner … Read more

Mechanical Poetry

Part OneHave you ever stared at the paper, waiting for poetic inspiration to strike? Well, stop waiting and start using systematic techniques for creating poetry. Don’t worry if it seems too mechanical or artificial at first. The point is just to start writing, because creativity is stimulated by work. When You Have an Idea for … Read more

22 Steps to Poetry – Freestyle

by Sheryl Joy P. Olaño First things first. What is Poetry? Poetry, as what I learned in my literature class, is a timeless and creative expression of beauty, humanity and reality. It is a language of the heart to the heart. It is a union of heart and mind. Writing poetry is like dressing up … Read more

Poetic Devices

Poetic devices, techniques, gimmicks – whatever you want to call them, there are “tricks” that make poems “work.” Below is a glossary of poetic devices. Why not use them to systematically produce more interesting poems? For examples of how to do this, and how to eliminate writer’s block, be sure to also check out the … Read more


By Ana BlumThis poetry was written using Deal-A-Poem. The words (cards) dealt out were; escribir, loco, memoria, and muerte. (Las palabras seleccionadas para este poema fueron escribir, loco, memoria, y muerte.) Escribir no es una elección las aguas locas crecen en tu memoriael silencio es muerteFeel free to send us any poems created using the … Read more

Poems Created With Deal-a-Poem

Poems Below is a list of poems created using Deal-A-Poem. Just click through to the ones you want to read. Generally these were written in a matter of minutes, although some were re-written later. If you try this system, it will almost certainly work for you. You and I : by Steve GillmanLa Niña Del … Read more

Poemas En Espanol

(Poems in Spanish)Here are four poems in Spanish by Ana Blum.Verano  Sigo a las hormigas van cantando paso lento equipaje pesado me guían al ojo de la tierra entonces ella me observa  ………………..  Nieve  En invierno los besos de Dios caen del cielo y sobre las ramas hacen sus nidos  ………………….  Tristeza  Recorro los mismos … Read more

La Nina Del Mar

By Ana Blum  This poetry was written using Deal-A-Poem. The words (cards) dealt out were; niña, alma, tiempo, and vida. (Las palabras seleccionadas fueron niña, alma, tiempo, y vida.) Hay una niña silenteen el tiempo azul detras de las pupilas niña con vida de arena niña con alma de mar Feel free to send us any poems created using … Read more