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Terms Of Service – Privacy PolicyTerms Of Use For dealapoem.wbprg.pw We hope to provide useful, accurate information, but any free content accessed here, including news and advice, is provided without warranties, express or implied. (But let us know if you find an error.) We try to link to high-quality web sites, but we can make … Read more

Lake Superior

By Steve Gillman  There was a silence in the crashing waves in the swaying trees, in the wind tearing at my jacket.  I sat in the rocks with my belly full of berries, watching seagulls in the cliffs watching rainbows in the spray.  There was a stillness in all this movement, in this screaming beauty, … Read more


By Rudyard Kipling  If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don’t deal in … Read more

A Child God

By Steve Gillman  God is but a child Playing with insects. Sometimes he hates you, Sometimes he hurts you  But give him your love Because he needs it. And forgive him always; He will learn from your example.  We do not value a child less Because he is not yet a man. We nurture him; … Read more

How To Write Poetry

Want to know how to write poetry? The first thing you have to do is write some. It isn’t important how it turns out. Your mistakes will become your teachers. Your writing will stimulate you to greater creativity. Just start writing. So, once you start the process, how do you improve it? Try these three … Read more

Gratitude In The Mountains

By Steve Gillman  The mountains show themselves against the sky And in the midst of a creation Which is seen with my eyes And heard with my ears And smelled and tasted And felt…  Words fail, as they should.  So there is nothing to say, There is nothing to say, Nothing to say, Nothing,  But … Read more

God’s Plea For Existence

By Steve Gillman  I am the half-born clawing my way out of nothingness begging you for life  Alone in the darkness You give me no eyes Alone in the silence You give me no ears  I reach for your hand You recoil in horror I am your monster-child abandoned yet again  I become invisible You … Read more

Do Not Believe In God

By Steve Gillman  Do not believe in god Do not have faith  SEE GOD in stars and sunlight and the face of your lover  HEAR GOD in wind and waves and the music of the birds  TASTE GOD in berries and beer and meals eaten with friends  SMELL GOD in flowers and forests and the … Read more

A Reminder

By Steve Gillman  Life is beautiful Life is horrible  Remember Both of these truths or neither of them  Check out the selection of poetry created using Deal-A-Poem too, and feel free to send us any poems created using the Deal-A-Poem technique at: [email protected] . Let us know which words started the process. We will give … Read more

An Atheist’s God

By Steve Gillman  How great it is to love To be in this state of gratitude It is the closest thing to faith For an atheist like I  How terrifying to be loved To be as a gift to another When everything I do or say Might take their gift away  To be loved by … Read more