Inspiring Law Quotes – Wisdom and Insight from Legal Minds

Justice is truth in action.

Laws are like cobwebs, they may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break free.

A law is valuable not because it is a law, but because there is right in it.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

The law is reason free from passion.

True law is right reason in agreement with nature.

Laws are the foundation of society, they weave the fabric of order.

Where there is no law, there is no freedom.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience.

Laws should be like clothes; they should fit the people, not the other way around.

No man is above the law, and no man is below it.

A good law is like a good recipe; it blends justice and fairness.

The law must be stable, but it must not stand still.

When the law is unjust, the people must become unjust.

A lawyer’s time and advice are his stock in trade.

The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.

One person with courage makes a majority under the law.

Law is not law, if it violates the principles of eternal justice.

Every law is a good law until it is abused.

In a democracy, the law is the voice of the people.

Justice is blind, but the law can see both sides.

Laws are like bridges; they need to connect, not divide.

The law is the harbinger of peace in chaos.

A law is a promise that justice will not be forgotten.

Without law, there is no freedom, only chaos.

Laws are the compass that guide us through the wilderness of morality.

Law is an arena where fairness contests with power.

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.

The law is like a river; it should bend without breaking.

Justice is the constant and perpetual will to render to everyone their due.

Laws is the guardian of the rights we hold dear.

The greatest crimes are committed by the greatest authorities.

Law is a game, where reason plays the referee.

To be law-abiding is to honor the pact of society.

Every law is a shadow of its moral foundation.

In the eyes of the law, everyone wears the same costume.

The spirit of the law is justice; its letter, a guideline.

Good laws make it easier to do right and harder to do wrong.

Where the law ends, tyranny begins.

The law is a mirror reflecting the principles of society.

Legal knowledge is a necessity for those seeking justice.

A just law is a code of ethics, not an obstacle.

Laws should empower the weak, not reinforce the strong.

The strength of a nation lies in its fidelity to its laws.

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