Laughing Through Life – Hilarious Karma Quotes That Will Make You Smile

Karma is like a boomerang; it always comes back, but it’s still funny to watch it fly away first.

I told karma I’d be nice—now I’m just waiting for the punchline!

Karma: when life gives you lemons, throw them back, and wait for a smoothie.

I’m not a bad person, but karma and I have a complicated relationship.

They say revenge is a dish best served cold; karma just brings the ice cream.

Karma called; it wants to schedule a meeting with all my exes!

If karma is a dish, I must be a buffet—everyone’s taking a little something!

Sometimes I wonder if karma takes weekends off… and then I see my ex.

I’d like to thank karma for my sense of humor; it just keeps hitting me hard!

Karma is like a tight pair of jeans; just when you think you’re in, it can be painfully funny.

Don’t worry; karma has your back—actually, it’s throwing a pie in your face!

I don’t need a therapist—I’ve got karma and a fantastic sense of irony.

You can’t outrun karma, but you can definitely trip over it.

If karma had a personality, it’d be that friend who always knows the best comebacks.

You can ignore karma, but it’ll still be lurking, ready to laugh at your missteps.

Karma: the universe’s way of keeping score while serving up giggles.

I believe in karma; it’s just too bad that my schedule is so booked!

When life gets you down, remember—karma’s still typing your revenge story!

If karma had a voice, it’d whisper sarcastic remarks every time I mess up.

A bad day is just karma’s way of reminding you, This is gonna be funny later!

They say laughter is the best medicine, but karma might have a side effect.

Sometimes I think karma is just an overzealous stand-up comedian.

I’m on a diet—no good deeds for me! Karma can take that back!

I used to believe in good karma, but then I saw my neighbor’s cat.

Happiness is knowing karma is always just around the corner… laughing.

I tried to be good, but karma still made me the punchline.

Karma has a sense of humor—just look at my last relationship!

If you think karma is a myth, just wait for the next family reunion.

Keep calm and let karma handle the aftermath.

I love karma; it’s like a cosmic joke without the punchline in sight.

Every time someone wrongs me, I just giggle and wait for karma’s giggly return.

They say what goes around comes around; I’m just hoping it stops for ice cream!

I might trip on my own karma, but at least I’ll laugh while falling!

You might not see karma coming, but it sure knows how to crash a party!

I try to be nice, but sometimes karma just calls for a little slapstick!

Karma is proof that the universe has a great sense of humor.

The best part of karma? It never runs out of material.

Bad decisions may haunt you, but karma will steal the show with a wink!

My life is the perfect comedy, and karma writes all the best scenes.

You only live once, but karma gets to rewrite that story repeatedly!

I never worry about revenge; I just invite karma to the party!

Sometimes, karma just nudges me to remember my own advice.

I’m not saying karma is my friend, but we’ve definitely shared some laughs.

If karma was a sport, I’d be winning at the Most Humorous Falls!

In the grand tapestry of life, karma just loves to add a little comic relief!

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