Memorable Quotes from Young Frankenstein – A Celebration of Comedy Genius

It’s pronounced ‘Fronkensteen!’

What knockers! Oh, thank you, doctor!

Abby someone, Abby normal!

It’s alive! It’s alive!

A brain, a brain! What do you expect? To make a difference!

You can’t keep a good monster down.

Put… the candle… back!

Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change.

Life stinks!

Transylvania is a great place to raise your family.

I’m not a monster; I’m a misunderstood scientist!

Walk this way…

Werewolf? There wolf!

It’s not the size of your brain that matters.

Keep your eyes on the prize, but not too close!

No one knows what it’s like to be a brain in a jar!

The monster has feelings too!

Sometimes, you just have to embrace your inner monster.

The only thing scarier than a monster is a mad scientist!

What’s life without a little chaos?

Every castle needs a monster.

A little experiment never hurt anyone… right?

Resurrection is a messy business.

Science and humor go hand in hand.

The key to success: always be yourself, unless you can be a monster.

Good help is hard to find… even in the graveyard.

Every good experiment has a little madness.

Ignorance is bliss, and sometimes, it’s the key to a great lab.

Always keep your friends close and your monsters closer.

To err is human, to raise a monster is divine.

A lab coat is the new black!

In every madness, there is a method.

The best brains are the ones with personality.

Fear can be a great motivator… for both sides.

You can’t judge a monster by its cover!

Mad scientists are just misunderstood artists.

When in doubt, create!

Behind every great monster, there’s a brilliant mind.

Who needs a knight in shining armor when you can have a monster?

Even monsters have a soft side.

Darkness is just a canvas for genius.

Dare to be different, even if it’s monstrous.

Science knows no limits, especially when it’s dark.

Reanimation: it’s a new way to wake up!

Life is an experiment; make yours count!

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