Shaken or Stirred – The Best Cocktail Quotes to Savor

Life is a cocktail; shake it up!

Sip happens, just stir it over.

Alcohol: because no great story ever started with a salad.

Shake it ’til you make it.

Here’s to the nights we won’t remember, with the friends we’ll never forget.

Stress spelled backward is desserts; let’s pour some cocktails!

Good times and tan lines — cocktail edition.

If you can’t find me, I’m lost in my cocktail.

Cocktails are the magic elixirs of adulting.

Cheers to the moments we can’t put into words.

I’m on a cocktail diet; I just drink my calories!

Life is better with a cocktail in hand.

Keep calm and drink a cocktail.

In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic cocktail.

A cocktail a day keeps the worries away!

If life gives you lemons, make a cocktail.

Pour decisions make for great stories.

Life’s too short to drink cheap cocktails.

Every cocktail is a story waiting to be told.

Some call it a party; I call it a cocktail adventure.

Sip, sip, hooray!

Let’s drink to the good times and bad decisions.

Rise and shine; it’s cocktail time!

When in doubt, garnish it!

Shake your worries away, one cocktail at a time.

Happiness is a perfectly mixed cocktail.

Cocktail therapy: there’s a drink for that.

Keep your friends close and your cocktails closer.

Naked drinks are overrated; give me a good cocktail!

Adventure begins at the end of your cocktail glass.

Sip sip hooray; it’s cocktail o’clock!

Caution: contents of this cocktail may lead to great adventures.

There’s no such thing as too many cocktails.

Life’s a beach; drink it in.

Every cocktail is a reason to celebrate.

Pouring happiness into every glass.

Why have a good time when you can have a cocktail time?

Mix it up; don’t blend in.

Savor the moment, savor the cocktail.

The best memories are made around cocktails.

A little bit of spirit goes a long way.

Drink like nobody’s watching; dance like everybody is.

Let’s get this party shaken, not stirred.

The secret ingredient is always the cocktail.

Raise your glass to new beginnings and old friendships.

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